
The Net P-F Interval Explained

Owning physical assets means maintaining them in an efficient and cost effective way. Key to understanding asset management is the P-F curve, which we explained in a previous blog, and the net P-F interval. The net P-F interval is the minimum interval likely to elapse between the discovery of an asset’s potential failure and the […]

pf curve

Why the Original Model of the P-F Curve Is the Correct Model

The P-F Curve is a term pioneered and used for the first time by John Moubray, the founder of Aladon. A P-F Curve is a graph that illustrates the interval between a potential failure and the functional failure of a physical asset. Today, many versions other than the Aladon version are pictured as a D-I-P-F […]

The P-F Curve Explained

The P-F Curve is a term pioneered and used for the first time by John Moubray, the founder of Aladon. The P-F Curve defines and illustrates the interval between a potential failure (when the failure can be detected for the first time) and the functional failure of a physical asset.  The P-F Curve represents very […]

Defining Failures and Being Consistent

To identify when maintenance is required, we need to define failure. The traditional view was that as equipment gets older, it is more likely to fail. Failure was defined as when the equipment breaks down and is no longer operational. However, studies have shown that the majority of failures are not age related. In the […]