When it comes to managing an organization’s physical assets, it is crucial to understand the difference between criticality, consequence and risk. Organizations that focus on risk attempt to reduce intolerable risks to tolerable levels, while ignoring critical assets posing a low-risk. While companies may acknowledge the criticality of their assets, they may do little or […]
3 Best Practices for Working with OEMs and Contractors
Integral to every industry with assets that require maintenance are OEMs and contractors who provide the maintenance, monitoring or even the actual assets to organizations. This can be complicated when it comes to ensuring your organization efficiently, safely and cost effectively uses these assets. Add to this the numerous new technologies and techniques available for […]
5 Ways Utilities Can Build Resilience in the Face of Extreme Weather
By Marius Basson With hurricanes, flooding and even typhoons wrestling for headlines on any given week, building resilience in a utility business today is more challenging than ever. The good news, though, is that understanding the challenges and risks your business faces every day is half the battle. In order to build resilience, organizations have […]
Using templates for RCM content
Using a template in RCM content has been a contentious issue in the past due to concerns that the content will be applied without the requisite consideration given to operating context. However, with the appropriate guidelines in place, practitioners can save valuable time in the analysis phase by reusing existing RCM2™ or RCM3™ analysis content. […]
How do we get involvement of Equipment Specialists in RCM2 Analyses?
One of the common challenges faced when preparing to conduct Reliability Centered Maintenance analyses is obtaining the commitment to dedicate resources for the duration of the analysis. Managers are always looking for ways to reduce the involvement their most valued resources (equipment specialists, operators, tradespeople) will play in the RCM2 analysis. In today’s typically short staffed […]
Latest from Russia: Maintenance Practices & RCM Concept Initiatives Booming
Over the last couple of years we are seeing a growing interest from many Russian companies who are looking to use new methodologies and new maintenance techniques in various industries. One of the biggest interests is the RCM2 methodology and asset performance management systems. Major catastrophic incidents that have occurred recently in Russia (e.g. Sayano-Shushenskaya […]
Defining Failures and Being Consistent
To identify when maintenance is required, we need to define failure. The traditional view was that as equipment gets older, it is more likely to fail. Failure was defined as when the equipment breaks down and is no longer operational. However, studies have shown that the majority of failures are not age related. In the […]
RCM2 Group on LinkedIn – Join the conversation
Join our RCM2 Group on LinkedIn today to engage in conversations around RCM2 with people interested in using RCM2 and other reliability experts. What a great way to showcase your expertise or learn from the experts. LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network with over 100 million members and growing rapidly. LinkedIn connects you to […]