
Latest from Russia: Maintenance Practices & RCM Concept Initiatives Booming

  Over the last couple of years we are seeing a growing interest from many Russian companies who are looking to use new methodologies and new maintenance techniques in various industries. One of the biggest interests is the RCM2 methodology and asset performance management systems. Major catastrophic incidents that have occurred recently in Russia (e.g. Sayano-Shushenskaya […]

RCM Facilitators & Implementers Need to Work as a Team for Success

Conducting an RCM2 analysis is the important first step in developing an effective asset reliability program, but the effort doesn’t stop there. In order to gain the maximum benefit from the analysis effort, the implementation of the analysis results must follow. Just as the Facilitator requires a specific set of skills to conduct an analysis, […]

Need For Synergy Applying Concurrent Result Oriented Techniques

By Henry Ellmann, Ellmann, y Sueiro & Asociados Introduction Over the many years of implementing RCM2 we have learned many “do’s” and “don’ts”. We share these experiences with many of our colleagues engaged in similar activities. Therefore, in this paper we are not presenting any revolutionary concepts. To the contrary, we wish to recap and […]

RCM2 Group on LinkedIn – Join the conversation

Join our RCM2 Group on LinkedIn today to engage in conversations around RCM2 with people interested in using RCM2 and other reliability experts. What a great way to showcase your expertise or learn from the experts. LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network with over 100 million members and growing rapidly. LinkedIn connects you to […]