Mutual Consultants Limited
About Mutual Consultants Limited
Formed in 1991, Mutual Consultants Limited have specialized in assisting clients to apply Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) from the start. Their experience, however, extends before 1991, in that the key RCM practitioners within the company have been active in RCM since 1987. As a result, they are able to offer very experienced and practiced consultants.
“In assisting clients with applying RCM our role is to impart knowledge of RCM via initial training and technical support; our goal is for clients to become competent and confident in implementing RCM for themselves in the future. We also provide RCM Contract Facilitation services to clients on a short or long-term basis. The consultant assigned to assist you with RCM will be experienced in both the theory and practice of the services that we offer. All consultants are RCM2 Practitioners (fully trained by Aladon LLC) and will also have extensive managerial and consulting experience in maintenance and engineering.”
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Principal Practitioner Profile

Steve Bailey
Managing Director
Years of Experience:27
Notable Facts: Steve Bailey has been a Practitioner in the Aladon Network since 1994. Over the years he has worked in a wide range of industry sectors and facilitated more than 450 RCM2 analyses including many large and complex systems. This experience is invaluable for training and mentoring client facilitators and has also been used to develop leading RCM software that reduces analysis time significantly and makes a facilitator's life much easier.
Expertise: Nuclear, Railway (rolling stock – intercity, freight, metro, suburban, and infrastructure), Marine, Oil & Gas, Gas Distribution, Electricity Distribution and Generation