Dr. Ali Zuashkiani
About Dr. Ali Zuashkiani
Dr Zuashkiani has many years of practical experience combined with a strong scientific background in optimizing asset management decisions. He is Director of Educational Programs at the Centre for Maintenance Optimization and Reliability Engineering (C-MORE) at the University of Toronto. The MORE Centre is funded by organizations from Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
Ali has about 10 years of consulting experience in different areas of asset management. He has been involved in several Life Cycle Costing management projects for utility and gas distribution companies in North America, Middle East, New Zealand, and several assignments on how to assess asset management practices in 17 plants in the Persian Gulf region and South America.
Ali is the author of Expert Knowledge Based Reliability Models and is a frequent global speaker on different subjects in asset management. Ali has been Chair of the International Physical Asset Management Conference for the last 6 years.
In 2008, Ali was invited by Asia Society to attend its gathering in Tokyo as one of the world’s most dynamic young leaders. The Asia Society was founded in 1956 by John D. Rockefeller III; among its supporters are former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, Henry Kissinger, and Rupert Murdoch.
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White paper on “How to Manage Your Assets Effectively”
Principal Practitioner Profile

Dr. Ali Zuashkiani
Years of Experience:10
Notable Facts: Ph.D. in Physical Asset Management, Director of Educational Programs Centre for Maintenance Optimization and Reliability Engineering, University of Toronto.
Expertise: • Maintenance Performance Management • Life Cycle Costing • Use of Tacit Knowledge in Asset Management • Optimization of Maintenance Tactics • Reliability Centered Maintenance • Managing Change in Organizations